
苏州阿里郎文化艺术传播有限公司地处历史文明古城苏州,是一家专注品牌整体设计的专业机构,为客户提供品牌策划及物料印刷全方位服务。其服务内容包含:新媒体视觉设计、企业VI设计、平面设计、包装、宣传册设计与印刷、产品摄影、空间设计、3D效果图设计、品牌策划及印刷品加工服务。公司聚集一批业内精英及专业的设计团队。 引进世界先进印刷设备德国海德堡四色胶印机四开机两台,对开5+1一台,自动化装订线,专色烫印机,模切机等配套自动设备。秉承着为客户创造价值的同时有着敏锐的洞察力、创造力、创意力以及执行力。公司上下员工,团结一致、充满朝气、不断创新、不断学习,致力于为不同企业打造出属于自己独特的品牌个性。

Suzhou Alilang culture and Art Communication Co., Ltd. is located in the historical and civilized ancient city of Suzhou. It is a professional organization focusing on the overall design of the brand, providing customers with all-round services of brand planning and material printing. Its services include: new media visual design, enterprise VI design, graphic design, packaging, brochure design and printing, product photography, space design, 3D renderings design, brand planning and printing processing services. The company gathers a group of industry elite and professional design team. Introduced the world's advanced printing equipment Germany four-color offset press four start two, split 5 + 1, automatic binding line, spot color hot stamping machine, die-cutting machine and other supporting automatic equipment. Adhering to create value for customers, at the same time has a keen insight, creativity, creativity and execution. The company's employees are united, full of vitality, continuous innovation and continuous learning, committed to creating their own unique brand personality for different enterprises.